The most effective way to treat TMJ is to figure out exactly what is going on and the most effective way is to diagnose it properly. Unfortunately, in my opinion, a significant amount of dentists only have a rudimentary understanding of what causes TMJ and therefore their ability to treat it is very limited. It may not be tailored to that exact patient’s specifications to improve the situation. In my opinion, the most important thing in treating TMJD is diagnosing it properly.
At McKeever Dental Care, we have a CAT scan so that we can evaluate the bone morphology of the jaw joint. In addition to that, we utilize an ultrasound so that in real time we can assess the function of the TM joints as they’re being utilized. We also rely on a computerized form of bite paper. Remember the old carbon paper that dentists would use to check and see if a new filling was high? That’s not accurate enough in the situation of TMJ disease. This now analyzes the scenario utilizing the computer so we can detect changes that really aren’t visualized by the human eye.
Once a good diagnosis has been revealed, we can figure out how to treat TMJD. More often than not, the most effective way of treating it once you have a good diagnosis, is with some form of bite therapy, either with a removable appliance that can act as an analog to the perfect bite or maybe re-positioning teeth to establish a better bite, reshaping them and restoring them. It usually boils down more often than not to some type of therapy involving the bite. Very rarely does it resolve itself to a surgical intervention but that has to always be considered. My warning on that is never ever consider surgery without an MRI to evaluate the joints. You can see how complex TMJD can get, but more often than not, the treatment is a lot simpler once you’ve rendered an effective diagnosis.
Dr. McKeever has been in private practice in Pompton Plains, New Jersey since 1988. He provides the highest quality of general, cosmetic and implant dentistry and treats each patient uniquely according to their individual needs. Dr. Darren McKeever and the team at McKeever Dental Care can be reached at (973) 839-8180 and is located at 933 NJ-23 Pompton Plains, NJ 07444.
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