Ways to Help Stop Grinding Your Teeth

The most common treatment to help people from the negative effects of grinding their teeth is either a bite guard or a bite splint. These are removable appliances that people would wear in their sleep that keep their teeth from…
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Clenching and Grinding

Teeth clenching and grinding is caused by a bite imbalance where the teeth don’t line up with the jaw joints. Most people grind their teeth during their sleep and don’t even realize it. Bite guards and bite splints can help…
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Dental Sealants Prevent Cavities

Sealants are used over the anatomic grooves in the back teeth, preventing bacteria from getting in. Dental sealants block out a very weak point in people’s dental hygiene. The anatomical grooves are a weak spot in the tooth because they get tinier…
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Dental sealants are used to prevent cavities. The sealant is painted over the grooves in the back teeth to seal them and prevent bacteria from getting in. What is the purpose of dental sealants? Dr. Darren McKeever: Dental sealants are…
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Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening removes stains and can bring the shade to where it was at a much earlier age. Results will vary per patient and there should be realistic expectations. Yet in most all cases, the end result is whiter, brighter…
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Caring For Sensitive Teeth

Does eating a scoop of ice cream or taking a sip of hot coffee send shooting pains throughout your mouth?  Do you find brushing or flossing to be a painful experience?  If you answered yes, there is an issue that…
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When is it Time for Dentures?

For many reasons, it may be time to consider dentures if multiple teeth cannot be saved or perhaps teeth are already lost. Dentures can be used as a transition before dental implants or dentures may end up being the end…
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Full and Partial Dentures

Dentures are removable devices used to replace missing teeth. Impressions are done and fittings are scheduled to give patients the best possible results. The patient’s success will always be something that depends on their ability to persevere and get used…
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Sleep Apnea Treatments

Sleep apnea is a condition where through an anatomic issue or a central nervous system disorder, people just stop breathing or are unable to breathe during their sleep. In my office, should a patient fail in their ability to use…
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